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Posts Tagged ‘more bacon please

29 Jul, 2009

Bacon Wrapped Cheese Filled Bratwurst

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

Some people have asked if we ever experiment with bacon on our own… Well DUH! Of course we do! As a matter of fact, over the weekend we found the time to take a normally very unhealthy food and make it more unhealthy — by adding bacon!

Everyone know that bratwurst contains lots of fat. It naturally follows that cheese filled bratwurst contains even more fat. And finally, logic dictates that bacon-wrapped cheese filled bratwurst would contain the most fat.

Logic ALSO dictates that bacon-wrapped cheese filled bratwurst tastes absolutely delicious! Take a look at these before and after pictures and see for yourself!

Bacon wrapped cheese filled bratwurst

The sight of these meaty bastards before cooking nearly took our breath away… but the smell of them as they cooked in the oven DID take our breath away!

Bacon wrapped cheese filled bratwurst

To define the taste, just imagine all the salty goodness of bacon mingling splendidly with the texture of the bratwurst and topped off with a cheesy core for dessert.

28 Jul, 2009

Monstrous Bacon Pile

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

Talk about a healty pile of bacon! Wow! Seldom at the average breakfast buffet will you ever see such a beautiful site. Usually they will have a shallow pan with barely enough bacon to fill it up more than halfway — and the bacon looks like gooey, greasy, mangled and possibly just run over by a herd of angry bison.

Awesome Pile of Bacon at Breakfast Buffet

Naturally you want to know WHERE you can go so that you, too may witness and taste a bacon bonanza such as this. We do, too. No one seems to know where the photo came from or what restaurant saw fit to pile the bacon that high.

Oh well. I guess we will ALL just have to fantasize about that monstrous pile of bacon until we either find that restaurant or make our own heaping pile of bacon — for dinner tonight. Lol.

26 Jul, 2009

Gut Buster Bacon Filled Monster Burger

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

Some things defy logic while others defy common sense. This gigantic piece of edible madness defies logic, common sense and all things held sacred by the average human.

This mammoth of a sandwich/burger goes by the name of Gut Buster

Gut Buster Burger

Now that you’ve SEEN the Gut Buster, now you get to learn what makes up the Gut Buster:

And no evening featuring all things bacon would be complete without a star, a bright shining star that eclipses all other food items, a truly epic piece of food destined to destroy us all in a white hot supernova.

That food item is known as The Gutbuster (pictured), and it is truly horrifying. The Gutbuster is a double bacon cheeseburger with — are you ready for this — two bacon grilled cheese sandwiches as a bun (no lettuce or tomato, that stuff’s for wimps). ( source )

25 Jul, 2009

More Bacon Please… on Dogster.Com?

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

We had no idea a search engine existed where you can look up pictutres of… dogs. It should come as no surprise, though, that our first search query would contain the word ‘bacon’.

And so without further ado, we present the first image that came up when we typed “more bacon please” into Dogster.Com:

More bacon please on Dogster.Com

Now THAT dog has discipline! Yeah, sure, that looks like fake bacon, and therefore the temptation to snarf it down would be less, but it’s still bacony and delicious (to a dog).

24 Jul, 2009

Bacon Cinnamon Roll…

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

Let the drooling commence…

Bacon Cinnamon Roll From Bacon Today

We have no idea how to make this lovely looking pastry… but the folks over at Bacon Today certainly do so head on over to Bacon Today and learn all sorts of tasty ways to add more bacon to your daily routine.

23 Jul, 2009

Dental Floss is Evil?

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

Now the obvious problem with this should jump out at you right away. Some people WANT chunks of bacon stuck in their teeth and refer to them as ’snacks for later’ or ‘flavor savers’.

Bacon Flavored Dental Floss

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a meeting with no hope of getting out and chowing down on more bacon? Well if you had PLANNED ahead and NOT flossed you might have a chunk or two of bacon wedged between molars that you could dig out with your tongue and suck on…

But no, you had to do the hygienic thing and floss.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

22 Jul, 2009

Different Types of Bacon?

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

Would you believe some people do not know that different types of bacon exist? Where have these people LIVED all their lives? In a cave? In a van down by the river? Under a rock NEXT to the van down by the river?

Thankfully we have come to the aid of those unfortunate and uneducated souls. Below you will find a pretty good explanation of the different types/forms of bacon.

Pay attention because this WILL be on the TEST later. lol.

  • Streaky bacon comes from the belly of a pig. It is very fatty with long veins of fat running parallel to the rind. This is the most common form of bacon in the United States. Pancetta is Italian streaky bacon, smoked or aqua (unsmoked), with a strong flavour. It is generally rolled up into cylinders after curing. In America unsmoked streaky bacon is often referred to as side pork.
  • Back bacon comes from the loin in the middle of the back of the pig. It is a lean meaty cut of bacon, with relatively less fat compared to other cuts and has a ham-like texture and flavour. Most bacon consumed in the United Kingdom is back bacon. Also called Irish bacon or Canadian Bacon.
  • Middle bacon is much like back bacon but is cheaper and somewhat fattier, with a richer flavour.
  • Cottage bacon is thinly sliced lean pork meat from a shoulder cut that is typically oval shaped and meaty. It is cured and then sliced into round pieces for baking or frying.
  • Jowl bacon is cured and smoked cheeks of pork.
  • Bacon joints include the following:

  • Collar bacon is taken from the back of a pig near the head.
  • Hock, from the hog ankle joint between the ham and the foot.
  • Gammon, from the hind leg, traditionally “Wiltshire cured”.
  • Picnic bacon is from the picnic cut, which includes the shoulder beneath the blade. It is fairly lean, but tougher than most pork cuts.
  • ( source )

    No go forth into the world with your newly acquired bacon knowledge… and try not to fall flat on your face.

    22 Jul, 2009

    Barney’s Gourmet Burger!

    Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

    We salute you, Barney, for makling a burger piled high with bacon! We have not figured out exactly HOW a person would FIT that thing in their mouth, but anyways… It’s a gorgeous looking burger with plenty of bacon!

    Barney's Gourmet Burger

    21 Jul, 2009

    BeerOrKid.Com’s Famous Bacon Flowchart

    Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

    OK, so we feel sooooo much better knowing that people other than ourselves have gone through a decision-making nightmare involving bacon as complex as the one illustrated on this Bacon Flowchart.

    We no longer feel like total losers… though honestly, we probably ought to. LOL.

    21 Jul, 2009

    More Bacon, Please!

    Posted by: admin In: Blakk Frogg Speaks|Humor|Sarcastic

    Oops. It looks like another idiotic bacon web site has popped up. Why do we call the site idiotic? Because we know the bastards responsible for it, that’s why!

    Seriously… Did you REALLY think WE would DARE make fun of something without good reason?

    Hmmm… Scratch that last question. But anyways, takes bacon and other tasty meat treats and tells you about them with a sarcastic, obnoxious attitude. So deal with it. Ha ha…

    Oh, and up your nose with a pair of bacon-scented pantyhose!

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