While perusing the Web looking for, um, bacon, of course, Blakk Frogg saw the following information: Hurricane Irene’s impact expected to break records, meaning recovery could potentially cost more than any other disaster in the Nation’s history…
It made him wonder, though… Will other countries hold concerts, fundraisers, etc. to assist?

Americas Best MySpace Sarcastic Comments
Hard pressed to identify the cause of yesterday’s East Coast earthquake, President Obama’s top scientists have just revealed the name of the exact tectonic ridge responsible for all the ruckus: “Bush’s Fault”.

Americas Best MySpace Political Comments
A renowned philosopher was held in high regard by his driver, who listened in awe at every speech while his boss would easily answer questions about morality and ethics.
Then one day the driver approached the philosopher and asked if he was willing to switch roles for the evening’s lecture. The philosopher agreed and, for a while, the driver handled himself remarkably well. When it came time for questions from the guests, a woman in the back asked, “Is the epistemological view of the universe still valid in an existentialist world?”
“That is an extremely simple question,” he responded. “So simple, in fact, that even my driver could answer that, which is exactly what he will do.”

Americas Best MySpace Redneck Comments
In an earlier posting we talked about a very tasty bacon wrapped treat: Bacon Wrapped Jumbo Chicken Franks. Now of COURSE you have the option of using other types of hot dogs as mandrels for the bacon… but we highly suggest sticking with bigger wieners if you can. Size DOES matter, ya’ know.
So what can ya’ do with small wieners? Especially the ones made from quality meat like Nathan’s and Hebrew National? Rest assured we have found a baconified use for those, too!
Just last night we feasted on some Nathan’s Hot Dogs prepared in the following manner:
- Cooked bacon. As usual.
- Allowed bacon to drain on paper towel and cool to room temperature.
- Cooked hot dogs while bacon cooled.
- Diced a variety of fresh hot peppers while hot dogs cooked.
- Opened hot dog buns and laid a strip of bacon on each bun wall.
- Placed a line of diced hot peppers where the two strips of bacon meet.
- Apply a ‘squiggle’ of mustard (not honey mustard!) over the peppers.
- Drop a hot dog on top of all that and tuck all the components into place.
One additional thing we opted to do that some may not want to do: We added an additional ‘squiggle’ of mustard over the hot dog because hot dog buns don’t tend to have enough moisture in them for our taste.
We LOVED these hot dog, bacon and fresh hot pepper creations! You will, too!
OK, so we have more or less vanished off the face of the planet for a long while. OOPS.
Well don’t worry, despite the ridiculous cost of bacon these days we have continued to indulge even if we haven’t told you any wonderful bacon stories recently.
Today’s story will make ya’ want to go to the kitchen RIGHT away, though, and eat some bacon!
Killer Bacon Sandwich Idea
Imagine, if you will, the classic grilled cheese sandwich. Boring, we know, even if you use exotic cheeses and know exactly how to get the bread golden brown without burning it.
So… add bacon and it gets better? Of COURSE, but if you wait just a second, we’ll tell you how to take grilled bacon and cheese sandwiches to a whole new level!
Starting at the bottom of the sandwich, we had the following layers:
- Slice of cheese
- Whole slice of thick cut bacon (cooked) broken into halves
- Slice thin cut salami
- Diced fresh jalapenos from a friend’s garden
- Slice of cheese
- More thin sliced salami
- More bacon the same as the first layer
- Final slice of cheese
As bread we selected some sort of whole grain stuff… because we had that in the pantry.
And… the Taste Test
Unfroggin’ believably tasty! We can’t wait to make another one!
Sorry we have no pics on this one… We ate the experiment too hastily!

Yes… Blakk Frogg’s talking about YOU and he certainly has too much time on his hands these days. NOT!
Click Here for More Slacker Stuff… Unless You’re Too Lazy!
That’s what inspired this product line. Blakk Frogg works his amphibious tail off all the time and has to endure sooooo many people around him just lollygagging their way through life stopping ONLY to complain and whine about how “life is so hard” and “life’s so unfair”. . . so he came up with this design to tell all those people just how he feels about them. THEY’RE ALL A BUNCH OF SLACKERS!
Feel free to share the ‘love’ that emanates from this friendly, polite and simple, yet oh-so-appropriate design. Or not. Most of you won’t, though, ‘cuz you’re just a bunch of… SLACKERS!
Vodka and ice will ruin your kidneys, Rum and ice will ruin your liver, Whiskey and ice will ruin your heart, Gin and ice will ruin your brain, and last but not least, coke and ice will ruin your teeth.
That bloody ice is lethal. Warn all your friends: Lay off the ICE!

Americas Best MySpace Drinking Comments
As record high temperatures continue to scorch many parts of the United States lists like the following have started appearing in local newspapers across the country:
Top ten items not to leave in your car in this heat
Myrtle Beach, SC (WMBF)- In this extreme heat and humidity, getting into that hot car is all but pleasant, but what about the things you leave in your car once you get out? With no end in sight for the heat, here’s the top ten items to take out of your vehicle tonight.
10.) Aerosol cans — Aerosol cans like hairspray should not be stored at temperatures above 120F. They can explode.
9.) Prescription and over the counter medications — The heat can change the chemical composition of medications.
8.) Cigarette lighters — These lighters can explode if they are left in a hot car.
7.) Electronic devices like GPS and iPods — The heat can cut short the lives of electronic devices. In the long run, this will cost you money to replace these items.
6.) CDs and DVDs — CDs and DVDs can be damaged if left in a hot car.
5.) Sunglasses — The heat can warp the shape of frames and lenses on your sunglasses.
4.) Plastic bottles like water bottles — Chemicals used to make plastic bottles could leach into your drink if you leave them in the heat.
3.) Crayons — If it is hot enough in the car, crayons will melt causing a gooey mess.
2.) Lipstick — Lipstick will also melt in the heat, so take it with you when you get out of the car.
1.) Soda cans — Cans don’t like extreme heat or cold and can explode.
OK, so that list makes a lot of sense but it also makes one wretched assumption about many members of the general public and common sense: It made the terrible assumption that all members of the general public HAVE common sense.
OUR version of this list would have started with the following three entries because we know better than to assume good things about the general public these days:
- Children
- Elderly
- Pets
As stupid as that sounds, we have lots of stupid people on this planet who ‘forget’ to get grandma, junior and/or the family llama out of the car on hot days.

13 Jul, 2011
Posted by: admin In: Jokes
Time of the month, eh? I’d say the moon must have entered a new phase because TWICE now in just over a week I’ve had to LOCK MY BRAKES because a female driver failed to recognize and/or acknowledge a 3,000 pound vehicle driving down the road she wanted to enter.
Last week a puff of white hair and knuckles pulled out of a driveway at 3 mph in her boat of a car, drove 30 feet down the road, and turned into another driveway. My speed had to go from 64’ish to under 20 in a very, very, short period of time. Needed the ‘ole lock and turn maneuver to avoid her – and she never even noticed it happened.
This morning I almost had the pleasure of exchanging phone numbers with a young (probably) trailer park chick in what looked like a blue cavalier with a bad aftermarket paint job. Apparently her driving instructor failed to mention that if stopped at a FLASHING RED LIGHT and the vehicle across from her has not, yet, moved… that she ought to take a good look to her left and right because the other driver might see ANOTHER VEHICLE WITH THE RIGHT OF WAY bearing down on that intersection. I got a twinge in my spine that told me to slow down a bit as I got closer to the intersection and I sit here now to TESTIFY that knocking those few mph off of my speed kept my fully brake locked vehicle from T-boning the dog snot out of that bad driving [insert ‘b’ word here] who never even acknowledged that she had come less than a few feet from getting my phone number and a most definitely a fast-paced trip to the hospital in a bone box.
Now before any of you females out there get all upset and emotional because you believe I have unfairly taken aim at woman drivers, don’t think for a minute that I care right now because I came THIS CLOSE to getting in completely unnecessary car wrecks because of two female drivers in under two weeks.
Tonight I’ll probably get run off the road by some drunk, unemployed GUY in a tricked out golf cart so in the end the gender issue will sort itself out and balance will get restored in my world view.

Americas Best MySpace Vehicles Comments
06 Jul, 2011
Posted by: admin In: Jokes
As part of ongoing efforts to unite the world and address specific topics of concern facing the planet, last month a worldwide survey took place at the United Nations.
The survey contained only one question: “Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food
shortage in the rest of the world?”
After tallying the responses it became quite apparent that the survey had accomplished absolutely nothing because…
- In Eastern Europe they didn’t know what “honest” meant.
- In Western Europe they didn’t know what “shortage” meant.
- In Africa they didn’t know what “food” meant.
- In China they didn’t know what “opinion” meant.
- In the Middle East they didn’t know what “solution” meant.
- In South America they didn’t know what “please” meant.
- In the United States they didn’t know what “the rest of the world” meant.

Americas Best MySpace Foods Comments