Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Posts Tagged ‘porsche joke

05 May, 2009

Bought a Porsche for $15

Posted by: admin In: Funny Jokes|Humor|Jokes|Sarcastic

A sixteen year-old boy came home with a Porsche and his parents began to fuss, “Where did you get that car???!!!”

He calmly told them, “I bought it today.”

“With what money?” demanded his parents. “We know what a Porsche costs.”

“Well,” said the boy, “this one cost me fifteen dollars.”

So the parents began to panic and asked. “Who would sell a car like that for fifteen dollars?” they said.

“It was the lady up the street,” said the boy. “I don’t know her name; they just moved in. She saw me ride past on my bike and asked me if I wanted to buy a Porsche for fifteen dollars.”

“Oh, my goodness,” moaned the mother to the boy’s father, “John, you go right up there and see what’s going on.”

So the boy’s father walked up the street to the house where the lady lived and found her out in the yard calmly planting petunias! He introduced himself as the father of the boy to whom she had sold a Porsche for fifteen dollars and demanded to know what was going on.

“Well,” she said, “this morning I got a phone call from my husband. I thought he was on a business trip, but learned from a friend he has run off to Hawaii with his secretary. The secretary took his money and left him after they arrived. He called me and claimed he was robbed and stranded. He asked me to sell his new Porsche and send him the money. So I did.”

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