Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

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to Americas Best Comments & Jokes Blog

No longer just the title of an awesome Motley Crue song from back in the 1980’s, folks! It also represents the content of one of Blakk Frogg’s recent additions to Americas Best MySpace Comments. Check out a few samples of what got added, OK?

Americas Best MySpace Girls Comments

Americas Best MySpace Girls Comments

And just to make life a bit more interesting, Blakk Frogg posted a blatantly sexist comment picture for MySpace certain to piss off….. your mom!

Americas Best MySpace Girls Comments

Yeah….. you really gotta’ admire Blakk Frogg’s ability to run the gamut when it comes to offensive material. Tune in next time when he posts pictures of your mom making sweet love to the garbage man’s boot!

OK, well Blakk Frogg cannot understand some things, and this whole dirty feet fetish thing really confuses him. He recently posted some Kira Eggers and Jacklyn Lick photos on his Girls for MySpace project and yes, these gorls have got some dirty feet!

Celebrity Glamour Girls
Hot Girls For MySpace!

Things look relatively OK so far, but just watch as the camera zooms in closer… and the dark stains on their feet get more and more noticeable.

Celebrity Glamour Girls
Hot Girls For MySpace!

Girl on the left looks like she may have stepped in some form of photoset goo or something…. and finally:

Celebrity Glamour Girls
Hot Girls For MySpace!

Oh yeah. The pair of grungy feet on the left takes the cake. Gross.

Having worked with industry material for more than 10 years now, Blakk Frogg knows full well that some people like the whole foot fetish thing but today he poses the question of Why do people like DIRTY feet?

 – blakk frogg

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  • admin: How can people not like this photo? Seriously. These girls have WONDERFUL personalities that just leap out of their shirts, er, eyes. Yes. Blakk Fr
  • admin: In other news, the children ingested so much of the drug that it took their parents a solid two weeks to catch the little bastards and beat their behi
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