Shame on you. . . But thanks for dropping by! Blakk Frogg summoned you here, or more like tricked you into coming here, so he could show you this:

100’s of Free Adult MySpace Comments
Get the hint? Blakk Frogg put a lot of effort into making your life a little more interesting so you could at LEAST take a look, right?
‘Cuz if you don’t, well, this might happen to you on your way to drop off those pornographic DVD you rented last night:

Americas Best MySpace Comments
Now answer the question: “Would you consider sleeping with a woman who weighed 320 pounds?”
How many of you guys out there (besides Blakk Frogg) have ever hooked up with. . . a ‘big’ girl? Or ever hooked up with a female late one night after a keg party that “still had ALL her baby fat”. . . or a spare tire around her mid-section stamped ‘Goodyear’?
Oh, that’s right. Only Blakk Frogg has made that (truly drunken) mistake. The rest of you (lying) bastards have never hooked up with anything less attractive than the sexy model types on Girls for MySpace. Bunch of liars, the whole lot of you!
Well HERE’s a ‘big’ girl that Blakk Frogg wouldn’t mind a romp in the bed with. . . despite risk of serious injury. . . to him!

Sarcastic MySpace Comments
So, fellas. . . Does the thought of having sex with this ‘big’ girl make you sick or does it turn you on?

Sarcastic MySpace Comments
Moral of the Story?
Not all big girls look like Oompa Loompas and take turns shoving french fries into each other’s mouthes. . .

Americas Best MySpace Comments
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Just the ones that Blakk Frogg hooked up with.
Hey! Who the hell wrote that last line?!?!?
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Sorry folks, but the content from this page moved to a new domain: Americas-Best.Com.
We apologize for any inconvenience, and you may flog our grandmothers if it will make you feel better.
South Carolina (A.P. Newswire) — Following a string of complaints from residents about unusually large numbers of men cruising up and down the streets of towns located throughout certain parts of South Carolina, State and Local law enforcement agents set out to catch these men and bring them to Justice.
After setting up surveillance to see what draws all these men out, the departments pooled their resources and came up with the perfect plan to catch them. To date, more than 740 men have been arrested thanks to the help of South Carolina’s newest law enforcement officer:
Click Here For A Picture of This Brave Agent in Action