08 Nov, 2009
A Recent Blakk Frogg Quote
Posted by: admin In: Adult Humor|Adult MySpace Comments|Blakk Frogg Speaks|Bodily Functions|Funny Pictures|Gross|Humor|Sarcastic|Sex
From time to time Blakk Frogg writes some rather interesting things he sends in the emails to good friends…. and this time he had a few things to say about his sex life:
I wouldn’t be able to last more than 15 seconds w/ a woman these days ‘cuz of stress and ‘lack recent wiener activity.
She’d hello and tell me her name and I’d already have to clean the protein smears from my underwear.
So, so wrong and unfair to me. Ever hear of blue balls? Mine are burgundy.
I’m the walking, talking, Special Olympics of sex.