Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Posts Tagged ‘premature ejaculation cure

19 Nov, 2007

Sex With a Hedgehog?

Posted by: admin In: Adult Humor|Gross|Humor|Sarcastic|Sex Joke

Some things defy logic, like WHY a man would try having sex with a hedgehog — but never-the-less a man did indeed try to do so….

Zoran Nikolovic, 35, from Belgrade, says the witchdoctor told him it would cure his premature ejaculation.

But he ended up in an operating theatre after the hedgehog’s needles left his penis severely lacerated.

A hospital spokesman said: “The animal was apparently unhurt and the patient came off much worse from the encounter. We have managed to repair the damage to his penis.”

Article originally posted on


Blakk Frogg asks, “Cure his premature ejaculation? What the HELL sort of medicinal properties could the vagina of a hedgehog possess that would cure premature ejaculation? Oh, well NOW he won’t have to worry about coming too quickly with woman. Why? Because what sort of woman wants to shack up with a guy who willfully fucks a hedgehog?!?”

Sorry there’s no pic to go with this sorry ass news story (not really sorry, though), so have fun with these Free MySpace Sex Comments.

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