Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Humor

27 Sep, 2009

Slab of Bacon… or Cake?

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

On this super splendid Sunday morning we, the bacon lovers responsible for this bacon blog, tip our hats to DebbieDoesCakes for this artisitc masterpiece… a cake that so closely resembles a slab of bacon that even the best of butchers would get confused.

Bacon Slab Cake

As stated before, we don’t really get down w/ sweet stuff like candy, cakes, pies and such… but this gorgeous bacon slab cake would definitely lead us into temptation!

This poster once contained a lot of personal information about some guy’s ex-girlfriend who liked to sniff cocaine and was last seen banging the guy’s former best friend. According to rumor it got posted all over a bridge in a mjor US city.

Payback’s a B!TCH, ya’ dirty tramp! Ha ha…

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26 Sep, 2009

Back to the Hormel Black Label Bacon

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

The last time we talked about Hormel Black Label Bacon we praised it highly and started drooling as we typed its review. Though the review this time will not take as long, since we really hate to repeat ourselves and see no reason to bore you, it will suffice to say that we enjoyed the Hormel Black Label Bacon. Again.

As usual we opened up our latest pack of bacon all the way to get a good, close look at its marbled appearance and allow its smoky aroma to break free from the confines of the bacon’s hermetically sealed packaging. Then we layed it out all sexy like…

Hormel Black Label Bacon

Overly dramatic? We don’t think so. No true bacon lover would think so! Shame on you for even THINKING that bacon does not deserve such care and concern… before it gets tossed into a hot pan and cooked.

Hormel Black Label Bacon

Nothing makes a bacon lover happier than seeing bacon in the pan. Nope. Nothing. Bacon in the pan equals unparalleled euphoric bliss.

OK, we lied. Fresh cooked bacon in a bacon lover’s hand delivering it to the bacon lover’s mouth makes a bacon lover happier. Now on withthe show, please!

Hormel Black Label Bacon

This concludes another test of the Emergency Bacon Broadcasting Network. Had this been an actual bacon emergency a man in a shredded lab coat wearing a gas mask and jogging shoes would have kicked down your door and offered you three pounds of Hormel Black Label Bacon for the low, low price of… of… Well with prices that low we can’t tell you over the air! Why? ‘Cuz we’re insaaaaaaane!

Thank you Hormel Black Label Bacon! We love you!

Sick as it sounds, someone actually thought to name a product ‘Spreaders’. It apparently come from the ‘Guy Buffet Collection’. Question: Do they pronounce that first word as ‘Gee’ like bee, or as ‘Gie’ like the synonym for man or male.

If the latter, then y’all can keep these darn things ‘cuz we have need for Spreaders that come from a Guy Buffet. Yuck!

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25 Sep, 2009

Bacon Infused Chocolate Bar

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

As much as we LOVE eating, smelling and even just talking about bacon and its meaty glory, sometimes we stumble across a bacon item that makes us… wonder how much weed (marijuana, kind bud, herb, etc.) a person had to smoke in order to come up with such an idea.

Culinary experts have successfully blended a large number of sweet and salty flavors for hundreds of years so why not combine the sweetness of fine chocolate and the salty goodness of bacon, right? With that said, we now present “Bacon Infused Chocolate” for your viewing pleasure:

Bacon Infused Chocolate Bar

A friend of ours found this bacon infused chocolate treat in a gourmet foods store which sold a variety of unique foods — some of which she said would probably not get sold at all, to anyone, if they didn’t have inflated pricetags and the word ‘gourmet’ plastered all over their labels.

Verdict: The bacon infused chocolate bar did not win our hearts despite having bacon in it. This may have happened because we felt the bacon had too smoky a flavor to it and it reminded us more of bacon flavoring than actual bacon and we don’t really get down with sweets all that often. Just not our thing, ya’ know?

Oh, and let us not forget that the candy bar cost someone we know seven or eight dollars. She could have gotten two (or more) pounds of actual real bacon for that much money!

Rating: 1 bacon slice out of 5… and that’s only ‘cuz we refuse to use fractions and nothing w/ bacon in it, no matter how horrible, deserves a rating of 0 slices.

Some items just make you wonder… like this nice, shiny thing. It appears to have a probe shooting up the middle. Why? Where does that probe want to go? Should we have serious concerns regarding this metal probe’s potentially evil intentions?

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24 Sep, 2009

Bacon Wrapped… Kielbasa Links!

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

If the very thought of taking meat and wrapping MORE meat around it does not make your mouth water, did you hit your head recently or did you get abducted by a roving band of vegetarians who brainwashed the common sense right out of you? No offense to any vegetarians reading this — as if any would anyways!

So anyways, we saw bacon in the fridge and a pack of kielbasa links. Naturally after some quick mathematics, and a few cold beers, we put two and two together… and came up with six. See below.

Bacon Wrapped Kielbasa Links

Gorgeous little meaty bastards, ain’t they? Makes you wanna’ fire up the grill, crank up the oven, or break out the crack torch… and cook ‘em up nice and tasty like!

We apologize for the bad grammar in that last paragraph. Not really, but we figured some of you fools might actually think we care about things like… feelings. Look, pal, we love bacon, meat and more bacon. We have no time for your silly little… feelings.

Please accept our apologies for the lame attempt at an apology contained in the previous paragraph… even though we meant every word we said. Wrote. Whatever.

Can we PLEASE get to the cooked bacon wrapped kielbasa links now?

Bacon Wrapped Kielbasa Links

There you have it, folks… big wieners wrapped in a slimy pink salty and stretchy sheath.

WTF? Sorry for that last description. The bacon wrapped kielbasa links looked and tasted fabulous. We didn’t mean to gross anyone out.

Actually, yes we did. Can you tell we didn’t take our meds AND downed a fifth of vodka tonight? Ha ha…

What does it say about a person that can walk though the kitchenwares section of a department store, catch a glimpse of this thing, and think, “Oh my Goodness! What do they use THAT thing for?!?”

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23 Sep, 2009

Bacon Marinated in Hot Sauce?

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

A while back we wrote about ‘slab bacon‘ and told you how we gave it a rating of 3 strips out of 5. At the end of the article we indicated that although we enjoyed ‘slab bacon‘, we probably would not eat it all that often.

Well apparently enough time had passed because we bought another pound of the stuff recently and decided to see what it would taste like if we let it sit in hot sauce overnight before throwing it in a hot pan for cooking.

Neeless to say we really do need to get lives, but let’s save that conversaton for another day and get back to the bacon.

How it cooked: We noticed a marked change in the way the bacon shriveled in the pan, as it did not curl up quite as much as our control group of slab bacon that did not sit in hot sauce all night. Additionally we noticed that the hot sauce soaked bacon seemed to stay pretty moist throughout the cooking process.

How it smelled: The majority of the hot sauce cooked off and scorched the insides of our nostrils. Thankfully we like the small of hot sauce, especially Frank’s Red Hot, so this did not prove problematic. Aside from the smell of gaseous hot sauce we detected the glorious aroma of… bacon. No surprises there.

How it looked: The finished product appeared healthy, moist, and delectable with a seductive red tint imparted by the hot sauce.

How it tasted: The first piece we tried had pretty much the same characteristics we noted when we sampled this same type of slab bacon in the past… except that it seemed a bit juicier and saltier.

Our reward from this little experiment came when we sat and chewed a piece in the same manner as a person would gnaw on a chunk of beef jerky. Wow! The wonderful taste of Frank’s Red Hot and quality bacon blended together in a spectacular fashion that we had never experienced before. Very tasty!

Verdict: Ahem. As we already said, “Very tasty!” We’ll give the experiment with hot sauce marinated slab bacon a rating of 4 strips out of 5. We think that if we ever try this experiment again, we will cook the bacon in the oven. Might lead to more hot sauce lingering in the meat!

23 Sep, 2009

Bacon on a Breakfast Creation

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

OK, so bacon normally goes quite well as part of a breakfast dish so you probably wonder why we bothered to post an entry about bacon as part of a breakfast creation.

Simple: Because it has bacon on it! Duh!

Spontaneous Bacon Creation for Breakfast

Looks weird, yes we know, but damn it tasted good! Each serving contained a hashbrown, a super tasty high quality strip of meaty bacon, melted pepperjack cheese, and a fried egg.

Now picture, if you will, all this wonderful breakfast food piping hot and on your plate… just waiting for you to pop the yolk of the egg, carve off a healthy chunk which includes every ingredient, and stuff it in your face.

Verdict: Bacon has once again made us happy. Sometimes it really pays to… cook with bacon.

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