15 Nov, 2007
Little Known Reality for Pumpkins After Halloween
Posted by: admin In: Adult Humor|Alcohol|Beer|Blakk Frogg Speaks|Drinking|Funny Pictures|Gross|Humor|Sarcastic
Halloween has come and gone and everyone has started looking forward to feasting on turkey, ham, fruit cakes and other traditional Thanksgiving/Christmas foods. Parents have started acquiring, wrapping and stashing presents for their kids, television stations have begun flooding the airwaves with images of Holiday Cheer that makes lonely bastards like Blakk Frogg wanna’ kill himself, and greedy retail merchants chomp at the bit as they wait for the hordes of gadget and gizmo loving shoppers to empty their pockets into money-hungry cash registers.
Americas Best MySpace Holidays Comments
Everyone loves this time of year, right? No, actually, some folks HATE this time of year as it marks the beginning of the end for them…. And yes, Blakk Frogg refers to the poor, now-forgotten and probably tossed into the garbage pumpkins.
With not much time to live, many turn to drugs and alcohol to soothe the pain of knowing they will soon die….
So the next time you see a forlorn pumpkin rolling down the street at this time of year, take a minute to mourn because that poor, poor pumpkin will soon rot into the ground and become…. worm food.