The following chain of pictures which will detail the painstaking process (in reverse) by which even a total loser in the kitchen can prepare the super-succulent and ever-popular Chinese Food dish known as Crispy Asian Chicken.
Warning: Images reveal trade secrets that may offend some readers — and give others some great ideas on how to cut down on food expenses at the grocery store each week!
Leave it to some pro-marijuana person to add a joint and the infamous Bud Light ‘WASSUP’ phrase to the world-famous Mona Lisa painting. Still funny, though, and no… we DON’T care who ya’ are.
Some people have theorized that living in the United States turns immigrants to the US into overweight, superficial a$$holes. We suspect those same people created this image…
Fo all of you who think it harsh and mean of us to imply that many people who attend raves or really enjoy the rave seen take drugs or use prescribed medications in an inappropriate manner, well, you have obviosly either never gone to a rave or had real FUN at a real rave… but we sure as Hell have!
Why ELSE do you think glow sticks, massages, stobe lights, repetitive electronic music and gnawing the inside of one’s face off seems so appealing to so many people — every weekend!
This poster once contained a lot of personal information about some guy’s ex-girlfriend who liked to sniff cocaine and was last seen banging the guy’s former best friend. According to rumor it got posted all over a bridge in a mjor US city.
Payback’s a B!TCH, ya’ dirty tramp! Ha ha…
Sick as it sounds, someone actually thought to name a product ‘Spreaders’. It apparently come from the ‘Guy Buffet Collection’. Question: Do they pronounce that first word as ‘Gee’ like bee, or as ‘Gie’ like the synonym for man or male.
If the latter, then y’all can keep these darn things ‘cuz we have need for Spreaders that come from a Guy Buffet. Yuck!
Some items just make you wonder… like this nice, shiny thing. It appears to have a probe shooting up the middle. Why? Where does that probe want to go? Should we have serious concerns regarding this metal probe’s potentially evil intentions?
What does it say about a person that can walk though the kitchenwares section of a department store, catch a glimpse of this thing, and think, “Oh my Goodness! What do they use THAT thing for?!?”
Nothing says, “Welcome. Please come in” quite like some guy who looks like a Latin gangbanger from Los Angeles, CA pointing a big gun in your face. So please come in and make yourselves comfortable. Don’t try to steal anything ‘cuz I think ya’ know what will happen if ya’ do.
How many of you out there think the makers of Facebook and/or Twitter may have had something to do with the creation of this photo and its spreading like wildfire across the Internet a few years ago?