31 Jan, 2008
Best Time for a Keg Stand
Posted by: admin In: Alcohol|Beer|Blakk Frogg Speaks|Drinking|Funny Pictures|Humor|Sarcastic
Blakk Frogg has always found great amusement in watching people inverting their bodies over a keg while their friends held the business end of a tap (the hose for all you rookies out there) in their mouth… with the idea in their head that the longer they stay inverted and drinking, the more people will respect and admire them.
Americas Best MySpace Drinking Comments
OK, well that worked at frat parties, house parties and even at a variety of other types of parties that Blakk Frogg has had the pleasure of attending. But NOW he thinks he has found the Ultimate Time for a Keg Stand!
No, not after a mid-term. No, not after graduating college. No, not after winning the lottery and finding out you also inherited all of Microsoft, either.
Think of it this way: Nothing screams, “I’m so happy to be getting hitched!” more than doing a keg stand at your own wedding… in your wedding dress!
Americas Best MySpace Redneck Comments
Now no one’s saying that sort of behavior is wrong, but it certainly is a bit unusual… Bottoms Up!