03 Sep, 2008
Breast Implants for Tattoos
Posted by: admin In: Adult Humor|Babes|Blakk Frogg Speaks|Gross|Humor|Pretty Girls|Sarcastic|Sex
Over the years many different varieties of body piercings, anatomical mutilations and exhibitions of (literal) human art have passed before the eyes of Blakk Frogg and recently a new alteration of the human body surfaced: Breast Implants for a Tattoo.
Sarcastic MySpace Comments Says, “Bigger Breasts, Please!”
Sarcastic MySpace Comments Says, “Bigger Breasts, Please!”
Sarcastic MySpace Comments Says, “Bigger Breasts, Please!”
Sarcastic MySpace Comments Says, “Bigger Breasts, Please!”
I hope this breast implant blog entry has given hope to all of you who thought you had to go through life with a flat chested tattoo on your body.