Blakk Frogg says, “Sorry, men and women, but all the sweets from your sweet COULD turn you into a not so delicious treat in a week or so…”
Ahem. Please use caution when consuming all those calorie bombs women AND men.
Listen here, men: Blakk Frogg KNOWS some of you need a lesson when it comes to how to, and NOT to, behave when dealing with women. So here’s REAL WORLD ADVICE that you ought to listen to…
Blakk Frogg says, “Roughly nine months after Valentine’s Day a very special event can happen — and some folks didn’t intend for it to happen — so PLEASE, people, use protection w/ your sweetheart if you don’t mean to make a baby this evening!”
After many years of effort and many, many male lives lost during the collection of empirical data, a copy of How to Understand Women recently made its way to our local library. We suspect, however, that it may take a bit longer to read than we originally anticipated…
Kids will do the strangest things when in a hurry. This time a four year old boy, in such a rush to get back to browsing the toy section of a local store, exited a public restroom with just a slight, yet incredibly obvious, wardrobe malfunction.
Hmmm… If toys have THAT much power over little kids, perhaps we need to ban all toys before we have a whole generation of little kids running around w/ wardrobe malfunctions?
Nah. It’s more fun to laugh at them, er, laugh with them. Ha ha.
For those not old enough to remember Fred Sanford, the crabby old coot from Sanford & Son, you missed out on a one heck of a great character. In honor of Redd Foxx, here’s ‘Five Cross Yo’ Lip!’, a saying he uttered many times in his career!
Dads, if you have a daughter then that you love, care about, would do anything for, and would like not to see knocked up, pregnant, with child, etc. before the age of, um, well not until after they finish college, get a job, etc., then THIS shirt is for YOU!
This baby knows EXACTLY what he wants: He wants stupid people to shut the hell up! Can you blame him? Stupid people SUCK!

Some people say Blakk Frogg has a face for radio… and the personality of a pissed off walrus with a toothache. Regardless of that, he knows for a fact that a guy named Lewza ought not enter ANY competitions, let alone run for office!

Would you vote for a guy named Lewza?
Our sources report that this sign actually got used in a real election someplace in Upstate New York.
Just… WOW. When Blakk Frogg read this Dear Abby article he nearly choked on his breakfast. Ha ha. 18-yr old daughter lost her job and now wants to become a prostitute.
Sound like something too hard to believe? Read the full article here on Yahoo! and see for yourself, ua’ filthy bunch of non-believers!
Blakk Frogg’s Humble Opinion
Hilarious. An eighteen year old honestly believes that selling her body to any Tom, DICK or Harry will allow her to make more money and live a better life. What the Hell kind of upbringing did this girl have that she would really think a life of debauchery for hire on the seedy (another good pun!) side of life makes any kind of sense?
Congratulations, Mom (and others), on waiting until the last minute to let your daughter know that a fast-paced career on her knees won’t pay off in the end.
There will be no happy ending; except for the customer.

Da’ Blakk Frogg Joke Blog
Please note that although Blakk Frogg opted to use the above funny stripper joke image in this posting, he does NOT equate adult entertainment w/ prostitution. He definitely sees a difference between a young woman ‘dancing for dollars’ around poles and a young woman spreading her holes for strangers’ poles!