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We apologize for any inconvenience having to ‘click’ one extra time may cause.

If you came here looking for silly, sexy, sarcastic and sometimes sick pictures and graphics to use on blogs, profiles, bulletin boards and other places, well, you came on the right day ‘cuz today we post the most popular pictures and graphics on AmericasBestMySpace.Com for the month of May 2009!

Americas Best MySpace Comments Blog -- Free MySpace Comments

A brand of beer known as Sierra Nevada captured the heart, mind, body and soul of Blakk Frogg several years ago. For those of you old enough to drink, you ought to check out their line of beers — if you like good beer. Otherwise stick with your fruity drinks and cheap, moose piss beers.

Americas Best MySpace Comments Blog -- Free MySpace Comments

Every guy that has ever pissed off his significant other knows the feelings shown in the picture above. Some OTHER guys may LIKE the idea of barbed wire in the bedroom, but we dare not discuss that on this site.

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Drinking everyday does not make Blakk Frogg an alcoholic. Feeling like a burlap sack filled with bleeding buttholes because he DIDN’T drink that day might, though. lol.

Americas Best MySpace Comments Blog -- Free MySpace Comments

Looks like a lot of people had beer on the brain last month. Guzzling a Heineken always sounds like a good idea. Guzzle-guzzle buurrrrrrrp!

Americas Best MySpace Comments Blog -- Free MySpace Comments

Wow. Great way to finish out last month’s most popular picture comments — with a swift kick in the balls. Blakk Frogg cringes each time he sees this image.

Several years ago the infamous Blakk Frogg decided to compile a collection of Patriotic MySpace Comments so that people could show their love of and appreciation for the United States of America and the men and women who defend it. That project bears the name of America’s Best Comments and still exists to this day.

Below you will find a few of the more popular Patriotic MySpace Comments, as chosen by the 1,000’s of people who have visited this site over the past few years. Enjoy!

Patriotic Myspace Comment: Three Girls in an American Flag

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Patriotic Myspace Comment: American Flag Around Hot Girl

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Patriotic Myspace Comment: We Honor Our Soldiers

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Patriotic Myspace Comment: Declaration of Independence

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Patriotic Myspace Comment: I Support Our Troops Animated Heart

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Yep. Blakk Frogg loves the United States of America and thinks everyone who lives here and does NOT love the country in which they so can exit stage right ANYtime they want — since they DO have the FREEDOM to do that. :)

Proud Americans everywhere love the smell of breakfast in the morning. Actually, we love breakfast just about ANY time of the day or night. Hence the popularity of Denny’s and Waffle House… but that’s not the point. Blakk Frogg wants to celebrate the upcoming US holiday (Memorial Day) with some Patriotic MySpace Comments from the AmericasBestComments.Com project. Enjoy!

Patriotic Myspace Comments

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Everyone has the right to show their love of America, yes, but for the love of eyesight PLEASE put some clothes on, woman! * barf *

Patriotic Myspace Comments

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Patriotic Myspace Comments

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Blakk Frogg thanks you for dropping in this morning, or afternoon, or evening, or night… and invites you all to breakfast at Denny’s — but you have to pay for your own meal. :)

There exists a faction of fellas who adore the big girls. They say things like, “More cushion for the pushin'” and “There’s just more to love.” OK. Fine. We get that point… but at what point does the girl become too big even for THOSE guys, huh?

Where do they draw the line?

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Just… Wow. Does anyone besides Blakk Frogg feel like throwing up all over their keyboard right now ‘cuz if not, you may already have had a heart attack from shock and died.

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First of all, you will like this site because it has lots of sarcasm, plenty of humor, and a healthy dose of everything your dear mommy warned you not touch when taking a shower at the local athletic club.

  • admin: How can people not like this photo? Seriously. These girls have WONDERFUL personalities that just leap out of their shirts, er, eyes. Yes. Blakk Fr
  • admin: In other news, the children ingested so much of the drug that it took their parents a solid two weeks to catch the little bastards and beat their behi
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