Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Archive for the ‘MySpace Pictures’ Category

Guess Which Asshole Called
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Guess which a$$hole called

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No Humping Sign
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: The Sign Says No Humping

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Need Beer Snow Signal
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Need Beer Snow Signals

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Honest Strip Club Advertising
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Honesty in strip club advertising

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World’s Best Shark Repellent
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: World's best shark repellent

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Santa Comes Once A Year
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Santa comes once a year

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After a long night of drinking, this might happen

Ronald McDonald Arrested
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Ronald McDonald gets arrested

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Redneck Swimming Pool
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Redneck swimming pool

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Pixy Stix, Not Cocaine!
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Pixie Stix, Not Cocaine!

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Pierced and Tattoo’ed Male Organ
‘Puff The Magic Dragon’

Pierced and Tattoo’ed Male Organ
‘Puff The Magic Dragon’

Guess Which Asshole Called
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Guess which a$$hole called

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No Humping Sign
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: The Sign Says No Humping

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Need Beer Snow Signal
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Need Beer Snow Signals

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Mowing Grass Tattoo
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Mowing the Grass Tattoo

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Mouse in the Bread
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Ogre.Com's Mouse in the Bread

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Terrible Morning Breath
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: This kid has terrible morning breath

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Lost (Human) Dog Poster
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Lost (Human) Dog Poster

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Walmart Goes Fetish?
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Walmart Face Goes Fetish?

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Mr. Bean Tighty Whities
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Mr. Bean Jumping Tighty Whities

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Party Squirrel Passed Out
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Squirrel likes to party

Hoover Vacuum Billboard
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Unofficial Hoover Vacuum Billboard

Haze the Pitbull
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Haze the Pitbull (2)

Haze the Pitbull
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Haze the Pitbull (1)

Bad Halloween Costume
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: bad idea for Halloween Costume

Guard Your Valuables
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Guard your valuables

Mostly Beef… Fast Food Reality
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Mostly Beef... Fast Food Reality

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Daisy Air Rifle Products
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Daisy Air Rifle Products

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Half Naked Drunk Chick
Funny/Sarcastic Pics: Half Naked Drunk Chick

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First of all, you will like this site because it has lots of sarcasm, plenty of humor, and a healthy dose of everything your dear mommy warned you not touch when taking a shower at the local athletic club.

  • admin: How can people not like this photo? Seriously. These girls have WONDERFUL personalities that just leap out of their shirts, er, eyes. Yes. Blakk Fr
  • admin: In other news, the children ingested so much of the drug that it took their parents a solid two weeks to catch the little bastards and beat their behi
  • Intimate Touch Tuesday | MySpace Comments & Jokes: [...] you survived the horror called Monday and showed back up to face… Tuesday. Good for you! As a reward for your devotion and effort, [...]