Easy Bake Meth Lab

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John Candy Land

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Peepin’ Tom Toy Set

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Playa Doh Bling Kit

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White Trash Honka Toys

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Lawn Dart Tag

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Mrs. Boozely Teacher Doll

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Roadkill Raccoon

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Bump ‘Em, Hump ‘Em Robots

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Junior Electrician Kit

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Hollywood Celebrity Clue

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Mary-Kate’s Binge & Purge Kit

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Elmers Glue Factory

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Rubik’s Pube

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Shiite Chia Pet

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Dwarves of Menopause

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Bowl of Jalapenos

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She Has an Air Bubble

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Monkey Tattoo

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Cat Offers Mistletoe

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Origin of Eggnog

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Nut’n’Bitch Cereal

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Never Fart in wet Suit

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Miranda Rights

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Save Paper

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Plotting Birds

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Please Pee Sitting Down

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He Shot Santa Clause

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Origin of Shitty Ideas

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Shit Pants Anyways

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