Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Archive for the ‘Drinking’ Category

Blakk Frogg admits that he made a very brief effort research the meaning behind the President of the United States sparing the lives of two turkeys just before Thanksgiving…. and found out only that our country has done this for 60 years now. So that makes for approximately 120 spared birds. Wow.

At any rate, let’s look at some recent additions to the Sarcastic MySpace Comments website:

Sarcastic MySpace Comments

Sarcastic MySpace Comments

Sarcastic MySpace Comments

Wanna’ see the other 1,400+ free Sarcastic MySpace Comments? Click the link, be merry, drink sherry, and stop molesting Larry!

Three men… a doctor, a lawyer, and a biker, sat in a bar talking over a few drinks. After a sip of his martini, the doctor said, “You know, tomorrow is my anniversary. I bought my wife a diamond ring and a new Mercedes. I figure if she doesn’t like the diamond ring, then at least she will like the Mercedes, and she will know that I love her.”

After finishing his scotch, the lawyer said, “Well, on my last anniversary, I bought my wife a string of pearls and a trip to the Bahamas. I figured if she didn’t like the pearls, then at least she would have enjoyed the trip, and she would have known that I loved her.”

The Biker then took a big swig from his beer and said, “Yeah, well for my anniversary, I got my old lady a t-shirt and a vibrator. I figured if she didn’t like the t-shirt, then she could go fuck herself.”

Americas Best MySpace Motorcycles Comments

Blakk Frogg did not drink this evening…. and so therefore it seemsas though he posted new free MySpace Drinking Comments to his Americas Best MySpace Comments project. See below for a few examples…. and someone PLEASE get Blakk Frogg a damn beer now!

Americas Best MySpace Drinking Comments

Americas Best MySpace Drinking Comments

So you see, Blakk Frogg staying sober every once in a while really does work out in your best interest…. though he WOULD appreciate someone bringing him a damn beer sometime this froggin’ century! Don’t make him beg, damn it!

Read below, figure out how YOU would handle a dangerous driving situation of this magnitude, and then scroll down to see if you made the right driving decision.

Dangerous Driving Scenario:

You are driving in a car at a constant speed. On your left side is a valley and on your right side is a fire engine traveling at the same speed as you. In front of you is a galloping pig which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it. Behind you is a helicopter flying at ground level. Both the giant pig and the helicopter are also traveling at the same speed as you. What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?

Scroll for the correct answer…

Americas Best MySpace Vehicles Comments

Correct Course of Action:

Get your drunk ass off the children’s Merry-Go-Round. You’re fuckin’ hammered!

Halloween has come and gone and everyone has started looking forward to feasting on turkey, ham, fruit cakes and other traditional Thanksgiving/Christmas foods. Parents have started acquiring, wrapping and stashing presents for their kids, television stations have begun flooding the airwaves with images of Holiday Cheer that makes lonely bastards like Blakk Frogg wanna’ kill himself, and greedy retail merchants chomp at the bit as they wait for the hordes of gadget and gizmo loving shoppers to empty their pockets into money-hungry cash registers.

Americas Best MySpace Holidays Comments

Everyone loves this time of year, right? No, actually, some folks HATE this time of year as it marks the beginning of the end for them…. And yes, Blakk Frogg refers to the poor, now-forgotten and probably tossed into the garbage pumpkins.

With not much time to live, many turn to drugs and alcohol to soothe the pain of knowing they will soon die….

Sarcastic MySpace Comments

So the next time you see a forlorn pumpkin rolling down the street at this time of year, take a minute to mourn because that poor, poor pumpkin will soon rot into the ground and become…. worm food.

UPDATE: This morning Blakk Frogg learned that the Associated Press (AP) has retracted the Paris Hilton elephant story . Wow. One has to guess, then, that they had nothing better to report on that day.

Apparently they couldn’t find anything to say about….. rising gas prices, the recent increase in chlamydia cases in the United States, the fact that 40% of people surveyed recently don’t know AIDS has a 100% kill rate, the obvious instability of the stock market, millions of people losing their homes as a result of crappy/shady loan agreements, the cost of living rising WAY above the average person’s income level, etc.

On a happier note, you can read Blakk Frogg’s take on the original, now retracted, Paris Hilton story below:


Big surprise everyone! Paris Hilton made the news again…. only this time for something a bit more noble than performing poorly in a homemade pornographic movie. Of all the strange news articles that have come across Blakk Frogg’s computer screen in recent days, this one certainly did make him say….. What the Fuck?!?!?

Taken from MSN.Com on 11/13/07:

GAUHATI, India — Paris Hilton is being praised by conservationists for highlighting the problem of binge-drinking elephants in northeastern India.

Activists said a celebrity endorsement such as Hilton’s was sure to raise awareness of the plight of the pachyderms that get drunk on farmers’ homemade rice beer and then go on a rampage.

“The elephants get drunk all the time. It is becoming really dangerous. We need to stop making alcohol available to them,” the 26-year-old socialite said in a report posted on World Entertainment News Network’s Web site. Her comments were picked up by other Web sites and newspapers around the globe.

Last month, six wild elephants that broke into a farm in the state of Meghalaya were electrocuted after drinking the potent brew and then uprooting an electricity pole.

“There would have been more casualties if the villagers hadn’t chased them away. And four elephants died in a similar way three years ago. It is just so sad,” Hilton was quoted as saying in Tokyo last week. She was in Tokyo to judge a beauty contest. (finish reading the article here)


Blakk Frogg’s turn to speak, now… Why the HELL do people pay so much attention to this chick? Why couldn’t she use her ‘media pull’ to publicize another issue OTHER than drunken elephants on the rampage in India?

Granted Blakk Frogg feels VERY bad for the deceased elephants and all the people whose lives got mangled by the inebriated beasts, but get real, folks. No one outside of a 5 mile radius of where the drunken elephants went on a rampage gave a rat’s ass about this story until a socialite with a penchant for porn mentioned it in an interview.

So ask yourselves…. Did you REALLY care about the elephants or the people or did you hope to hear where you could find a new photo showing Paris’ highly publicized pubic region somewhere in that article when you read it?

We ALL know the answer to THAT question…..

Mother Superior called all the nuns together and said to them, “I must tell you all something. We have a case of gonorrhea in the convent.”

“Thank God,” said an elderly nun at the back. “I’m so tired of chardonnay.”

Americas Best MySpace Drinking Comments

Sometimes a night out on the town geting drunk bores Blakk Frogg and when that happens he goes home. However, sometimes the nights get exciting as a result of a good….. CAT FIGHT!

Blakk Frogg Sarcasm and Free MySpace Comments
Free MySpace Comments on Americas Best
another blakk frogg production!

Yeah….. calling someone else a pussy, even if true, can result in unwanted hospitalization if the other person knows how to fight better than you, has more friends that like to fight, or possesses a weapon.

And that, dear friends, shall serve as Blakk Frogg’s words of wisdom for the day.

So what the hell has the rest of the world read while you surfed through endless pages of barely dressed girls over the past month? So glad you asked because below you will find the most popular blog entries from one of Blakk Frogg’s free humor/sarcasm websites.

(1) Oral Sex, People! Oral Sex!

(2) Definition of the Perfect Woman

(3) SarcasticMySpaceComments.Com’s Most Popular MySpace Comments for September 2007

(4) Adults Only Links Page

(5) Shave That Pussy, Please

(6) Drunk Dialing Rule Book

(7) Why Some College Girls Get Bad Grades

(8) Strange Pussy in the Apartment at 6 AM

(9) Why Big Breasted Women Have Bad Aim

(10) Take the Are You Gay Test For Guys

Got time on your hands instead of a water-based lubricant? Go and laugh your ass off at Da’ Blakk Frogg Blog For those WITH a water, or petrolem-base lubricant on their hands, have you seen Da’ Blakk Frogg Sex Blog yet?

That’s it, time to do laundry…. The pile of clothes on Blakk Frogg’s floor has taken over and he must now reclaim his own bedroom. Pathetic, ain’t he?

blakk frogg

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First of all, you will like this site because it has lots of sarcasm, plenty of humor, and a healthy dose of everything your dear mommy warned you not touch when taking a shower at the local athletic club.

  • admin: How can people not like this photo? Seriously. These girls have WONDERFUL personalities that just leap out of their shirts, er, eyes. Yes. Blakk Fr
  • admin: In other news, the children ingested so much of the drug that it took their parents a solid two weeks to catch the little bastards and beat their behi
  • Intimate Touch Tuesday | MySpace Comments & Jokes: [...] you survived the horror called Monday and showed back up to face… Tuesday. Good for you! As a reward for your devotion and effort, [...]