Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Archive for the ‘Bodily Functions’ Category

So… You wanna’ see the 10 most popular AmericasBestMySpaceComments.Com free myspace comment pictures for September 2007? Good for you ‘cuz Blakk Frogg listed them below! Enjoy!

SUV Driven Thru A Trailer… Sideways
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Americas Best MySpace Comments — FREE!

The Friendship Turd
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Americas Best MySpace Comments — FREE!

Use Her Skin to Make Bigger Sails
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Americas Best MySpace Comments — FREE!

Little Girl’s Goldfish Died
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Americas Best MySpace Comments — FREE!

Perverted I Wanna’ Show You Something
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Americas Best MySpace Comments — FREE!

People are Like Slinkies
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Americas Best MySpace Comments — FREE!

John Wayne On Speaking English
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Americas Best MySpace Comments — FREE!

Sexy Thirsty Thursday Girl Wants Playtime
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Americas Best MySpace Comments — FREE!

Frightening Wedding Vows for the Bride
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Americas Best MySpace Comments — FREE!

Biscuits Almost Kill Woman
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Americas Best MySpace Comments — FREE!

Blakk Frogg hopes you enjoyed these wonderfully demented images and knows that if you did, you’ll waste no time checking out all the other free MySpace Comment Pictures on AmericasBestMySpaceComments.Com …. ‘cuz if you don’t, we’ll bash Grandma’s face off the ironing board again!

One of the matrons of the church was cooking a pot of her famous beans for the church potluck, and her son, Little Johnny, came running through the house, BB gun in one hand, and a handful of BB’s in the other. He tripped and the BB’s, naturally, went right into the pot of beans.

Thinking it over, Little Johnny could think of no reason why he should risk punishment, so he said nothing.

The dinner went well, and, as usual, the beans were one of the favorite dishes. The next day, the church secretary, Mary, called Little Johnny’s mother and said, “Jane, your beans were delicious as usual, but what did you put in them this time?”

Jane replied, “Nothing new, why do you ask?”

“Well,” said Mary, “this morning I bent over to feed the cat and I shot the canary!”

Americas Best MySpace Toilet Comments

Like a lot of folks in this country, Blakk Frogg has a job:  He gets up each morning, goes to work, puts in at LEAST solid 8 hours of work.  Every other week he gets a check.  Simple as that.

He then pays taxes on his earnings and the government distributes his tax dollars as it sees fit.

Here’s the kicker, though… In order to get that paycheck, he has to pass a random urine test, with which he has no problem.

He DOES, however, object to the distribution of his hard-earned tax dollars to people who DON’T have to pass a urine test.  He wonders WHY a person doesn’t have to pass a urine test in order to receive HIS money in the form of a welfare check.  Seriously… HE has to pass one in order to EARN that money so shouldn’t THEY have to pass one before receiving it?

Please understand that Blakk Frogg has no problem with helping people get back on their feet.  He does, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sit around on their lazy ass using drugs… on his dime.

Think about how much money state, local and federal government agencies would save if aid recipients had to pass regular, or random, urine tests before they could receive a public assistance check.

Democrat, Republican, Conservative or Liberal, it does not matter.  If you agree with this message, spread the word. Otherwise your silence equals acceptance of the current situation… and you have no right to complain.

 – Blakk Frogg

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  • admin: How can people not like this photo? Seriously. These girls have WONDERFUL personalities that just leap out of their shirts, er, eyes. Yes. Blakk Fr
  • admin: In other news, the children ingested so much of the drug that it took their parents a solid two weeks to catch the little bastards and beat their behi
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