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As I walked down a busy sidewalk in the middle afternoon, already late for an important meeting, I spotted one of those unfortunate, homeless vagabonds now found in pretty much every city these days.
Wearing what I can only describe as tattered rags and carrying every worldly possession in two plastic bags, this poor soul’s pitiful condition pulled heavy on my heart strings.
Some people turned to stare while others quickly looked away as if the sight, itself, would somehow contaminate them.
Recalling the words once spoken by a priest I’d read about many years ago, a man who’d made an admonition to ‘care for the sick, feed the hungry and clothe the naked’. His words echoed in my head I was moved by some powerful inner urge to reach out to this unfortunate person.
Yes, where some people saw only rags, I saw a deep, hidden beauty. A small voice inside my head called out to me and said, “Reach out, reach out!”

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And so I did…

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I wonder if the priest went through this?
Some people shy away from things that have to do with bondage…. but your ass clicked the link. Guess that might make you…. a pervert? Right?

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Nah, not really. The majority of people that Blakk Frogg has met in his years on this planet have their fetishes, have their ‘secret desires’, want something sexually they have not yet had, etc. He feels the sooner people realize that they have animal desires and learn to work with them and have FUN with them, the less likely those desires will creep up in their life at an inconvenient date and fuck up their life.

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Now this does NOT mean Blakk Frogg condones reckelss sexual behavior. Nope. Not at all. It does mean that he believes a ton of people need to loosen up and stop trying to suppress the sexual natures and behaviors of others.

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As long as they keep their blinds closed, don’t make too much noise w/ the whips during their roleplay games, don’t fling used condoms out the windows, keep up the outward appearance of ‘normality’ when necessary or deemed appropriate by society, …… and everyone involved in their fun and games legally consented to the ‘fun’, well, Blakk Frogg says, “Party on, perverts! Just keep the goo factor to a minimum, OK?”

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In an effort to combat a recent swing in public opinion that fast food makes people fat, lowers their sex drive, and cause penis shrinkage, several new advertisements have popped up in popular magazines. These ads show how fast food can actually HELP with a person’s sex drive and get them laid. See below for an example of just such an ad:

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You’ll find more nonsense like the above picture on….. Sarcastic MySpace Comments!
You don’t have to like football or even know who the Carolina Panthers are to enjoy the following photo:

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Just….. DAMN! That girl’s hind end stands up and speaks for itself!
Now rest assured that Blakk Frogg will catch Hell from some folks due to the sexist nature of this post…..
“Oh, sorry. Were you talking to Blakk Frogg? That ass had a Frogg mesmerized again. Please forgive the drooling as well.”
Quite often as a child Blakk Frogg got scolded for using poor table manners. He has since refined his eating skills and actually refrains from shoving his face directly ito the pasta bowl — unlike these ladies:

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Where can you find a photograph like this one? Travel to Munich, Germany and have dinner or lunch at a specific restaurant located next to the old Munich Airport.
Despite Charlie Brown’s yearly proclamation to Linus that the Great Pumpkin does not exist, Blakk Frogg has found shocking evidence that TWO Great Pumpkins exist, and not just one:

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Now who besides Blakk Frogg can’t wait to see the proof of Spring Cherry Blossoms? 😛