Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Using Contagious in a Sentence

Posted by: admin In: Jokes

A teacher is instructing her fourth grade class, and she’s telling them that the word of the day is ‘contagious.’ She asks if anyone can use this word in a sentence, and several students raise their hands.

“Carl,” she says.

Carl says, “My dad told me to stay away from kids with mumps ’cause they’re contagious.”

“Very good,” says the teacher.

Then she picks Suzie, who says, “The atmosphere was contagious.”

The teacher says, “Excellent, Suzie!”

Then she notices that little Johnny has his hand up at the back of the class. “Yes, Johnny?”

Johnny says, “The other day, me and my dad’s a-sittin’ around, and we saw our blonde neighbor painting her fence. She had a tiny little model car paintbrush, and she was going in tiny little strokes up and down the fence, and my dad says to me, ‘Jesus, it’s gonna take that cunt ages to finish that fence.'”

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