Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Stupid Questions

It seems ridiculous that Blakk Frogg should have to create an FAQ section for a joke, humor, and sarcasm web site… but some people obviously fell (headfirst) off the Moron Wagon and need a page like this to tell them what to expect, where to expect it, and why to expect it.

So here goes…

  • What to Expect: Blakk Frogg’s giant boot.
  • Where to Expect It: Straight up your rear end.
  • Why to Expect It: Stupid people like you deserve no mercy.

We hope you have enjoyed this page as much as Blakk Frogg enjoyed making it.

So on with the questions, all you curious bastards…

Q: Does Blakk Frogg like bacon?

A: What kind of MORON doesn’t already know he LOVES bacon?!? The More Bacon Please web site stands as a living testament to Blakk Frogg’s love of salty, tasty bacon!

Q: Where does Blakk Frogg live?

A: In a little shack just outside yer mama’s bedroom. He doesn’t like to go far for free (or usually just cheap) entertainment, ya’ know?

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About This Site

First of all, you will like this site because it has lots of sarcasm, plenty of humor, and a healthy dose of everything your dear mommy warned you not touch when taking a shower at the local athletic club.

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