Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Wife Wishes for a Hot Husband… and Gets One

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Americas Best|Blakk Frogg Speaks|Funny Pictures|Humor|MySpace|MySpace Comments|MySpace Pictures|Sarcastic

The tradition of the Birthday Boy of Girl making a wish while blowing out the candles has always bothered Blakk Frogg… because while the person blew out the candles he found himself making a wish at the same time.

Blakk Frogg wished (and hoped) the person didn’t tuberculosis or some other health-related issue communicable through saliva.

“What piece of cake would you like?” asked the Birthday Boy/Girl. “One with the least amount of spittle on it, please,” replied Blakk Frogg.

Getting to the point of this posting, though, when making a wish over birthday candles like the wife in the picture below, be careful what you wish for!

wife wishes for a hot husband

Pop Quiz: Who remembers the Wishmaster series of movies?

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