Dirty Pants in Walmart Trash Can
Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Adult Humor|Adult MySpace Comments|Americas Best|Funny Pictures|Gross|Humor|MySpace|MySpace Comments|MySpace Pictures|Sarcastic
Well, of all the places for a fecal accident to take place, the poor fellow who crapped himself at Walmart, bought new pants, changed in the restroom, and discarded his shitty pants in the trash can… could have had a worse day by crapping himself during a tour of an art museum.
On second thought, if he crapped himself and hung the poop-stained drawers on the wall he could call it ‘modern art’ and possibly even sell his masterpiece for a ridiculous amount of money to an unsuspecting collector who adored the fact that he got to meet the artist standing half naked in front of the artwork. “Oh how marvelous! Such conviction!”