Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Hot Dogs and Bacon? Yes!

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Blakk Frogg Speaks|Humor|Sarcastic

In an earlier posting we talked about a very tasty bacon wrapped treat: Bacon Wrapped Jumbo Chicken Franks. Now of COURSE you have the option of using other types of hot dogs as mandrels for the bacon… but we highly suggest sticking with bigger wieners if you can. Size DOES matter, ya’ know.

So what can ya’ do with small wieners? Especially the ones made from quality meat like Nathan’s and Hebrew National? Rest assured we have found a baconified use for those, too!

Just last night we feasted on some Nathan’s Hot Dogs prepared in the following manner:

  1. Cooked bacon. As usual.
  2. Allowed bacon to drain on paper towel and cool to room temperature.
  3. Cooked hot dogs while bacon cooled.
  4. Diced a variety of fresh hot peppers while hot dogs cooked.
  5. Opened hot dog buns and laid a strip of bacon on each bun wall.
  6. Placed a line of diced hot peppers where the two strips of bacon meet.
  7. Apply a ‘squiggle’ of mustard (not honey mustard!) over the peppers.
  8. Drop a hot dog on top of all that and tuck all the components into place.

One additional thing we opted to do that some may not want to do: We added an additional ‘squiggle’ of mustard over the hot dog because hot dog buns don’t tend to have enough moisture in them for our taste.

We LOVED these hot dog, bacon and fresh hot pepper creations! You will, too!

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