Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

The George Burger… With Bacon, Of Course!

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

Here at More Bacon Please we have an undying love for bacon… and so do most of our friends! These next two pics come from a good friend from way, way back named George and MAN does this flippin’ massively baconified burger look great!

The George Burger

Naturally you ant to know what went into “The George Burger”, right? Of course you do! In the words of this bacon-a-licious burger’s creator,

“3/4 lb of lean burger meat stuffed w/ horseradish, freshly grated cheddar, handfuls of crumbled bacon… then topped w/ swiss cheese. Oh, and of course more bacon!”

We will forgive George for neglecting to mention what looks like mayonnaise and lettuce on the burger once it got cut open, which happens in the next pic.

The George Burger Cut Open

So if you ever feel the need to eat a giant, meaty, bacon-stuffed, beast-sized burger with a whole lot of flavor, give George’s recipe a try!

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