A while back David Spade and Chris Farley (RIP) starred in a comedy called Black Sheep and at one point in the movie Chris put on David’s suit jacket or blazer –which CLEARLY did NOT fit him — and pranced around the room chanting, “Big man, little coat… Big man, little coat” and then the coat ripped. Ha ha. Too funny. Guess you had to have seen the movie, though.
At any rate, we got some black pepper bacon from the store the other day and noticed that each strip had either taken Viagra or the butcher shop cut them extra large and long. Either way, we just HAD to try fitting as much of our meat in the… pan as possible.
Don’t sit there and act like you wouldn’t do the same thing, dang it! ‘Cuz you know you would try to fit as much of your meat in as you could!
Big Bacon, Little Pan! Big Bacon, Little Pan!