How NOT to Check a Baby’s Diaper
Posted by: admin In: Blakk Frogg Speaks|Bodily Functions|Funny Pictures|Gross|Humor|Sarcastic
It amazes Blakk Frogg that signs like this get posted. Seriously, folks… If you have to look at a sign like this for instructions on how to properly check a baby’s diaper, well, maybe you ought not to have had children in the first place! Does it take a rocket scientist to figure out that jamming your hand down the back of a diaper to check for poop will end badly most times?
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Oh, now you certainly didn’t think Blakk Frogg had nothing more to add to this early morning posting, did you? Shame on you! Blakk Frogg can ALWAYS find a way to expand on something as ridiculous as diaper changing instructions!
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Yep. He got the ‘poo finger’ and wants to wipe it on you!