Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Bacon Stuffed Chicken Breast

Posted by: Blakk Frogg In: Humor|Sarcastic

Last weekend some family members came into town and that sort of event warrants a trip out to a fancy restaurant. Now in our experience, we have seen that most fancy restaurants don’t have any bacon items on their menus… so oh, what a sweet relief to see bacon on the menu!

Bacon Stuffed Chicken Breast as described on the menu:

“Pan Roasted Bacon Stuffed Chicken Breast with Summer Vegetables, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Natural Pan Juices.”

Upon seeing Bacon Stuffed Chicken Breast on the menu the decision to order it for dinner happened immediately. I mean, seriously, who can say no to bacon — especially when it gets stuffed into another meat!

Bacon Stuffed Chicken Breast -- Four Moons Restaurant in Orangeburg, SC
Bacon Stuffed Chicken Breast — Four Moons Restaurant in Orangeburg, SC

Gorgeous looking meal and you can clearly see how fat the chef had stuffed the chicken breast with bacon! And look! The giant hunk of meat even came with vegetables and sauce of some sort!

We apologize for not having pictures of the inside of the Bacon Stuffed Chicken Breast. The damn thing tasted so good and disappeared so quickly of the plate that we didn’t have TIME to take any pictures.

Therefore, check your local restaurant menus for Bacon Stuffed Chicken Breast, find a swank little joint that prepares this awesome dish and find out for yourself what the inside looks like… or you can visit Four Moons Restaurant in Orangeburg, SC like we did.

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