Popular Sarcastic MySpace Comments
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SarcasticMySpace.Com has more than 1,800 sarcastic, funny, sexual and redneck myspace comments to choose from but SOME of you keep insisting that Blakk Frogg take time out of his busy schedule to list the most popular sarcastic myspace comments.
Lazy bastards! Blakk Frogg hopes you choke on the most popular sarcastic myspace comments for. . . February 2008
Sarcastic MySpace Comments. . . Don’t Suck!
Sarcastic MySpace Comments. . . Don’t Suck!
Sarcastic MySpace Comments. . . Don’t Suck!
Sarcastic MySpace Comments. . . Don’t Suck!
Sarcastic MySpace Comments. . . Don’t Suck!
What took so long for the world renowned Blakk Frogg to post this? Simple: ‘Cuz he’s always froggin’ drunk!