Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Gotta’ Love Her Cans… and Mugs

Posted by: admin In: Alcohol|Beer|Blakk Frogg Speaks|Drinking

blakk frogg loves her mugs and wants to lick her cans!
Americas Best MySpace Drinking Comments

Everyone knows Blakk Frogg likes beer. He prefers the microbrews and specitalty beers but sometimes, when he feels he need to re-live his younger days, he buys a few cases of the beer (swill) he chugged as a tadpole, er, student.

Nasty, cheap, never filtered, served in dirty mugs, and tastes like backwash from the first sip straight through to the last. Mmmm, Mmmm, Refreshing.

Blakk Frogg thanks his lucky stars that he has a job. Otherwise he’d have to drink that horse piss all the time!

For the record, Blakk Frogg is not calling St. Pauli Girl a filthy goat piss beer. Seeing her cans, er, beer mugs, caused him to think about the various beers he has consumed over the years. He likes St. Pauli Girl every once in a while. Yummy stuff. He really likes her cans, too. Really. He does.

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