Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Jokes Making Fun of Men

Posted by: admin In: Funny Jokes|Sarcastic

Q. What is the similarity between a shrimp and a man?
A. You can enjoy all but the head.

Q. What is the similarity between a dolphin and a man?
A. They are both said to be intelligent, but no one can prove this.

Q. What is the similarity between a microwave oven and a man?
A. They both get hot in 15 seconds.

Q. Why can’t a man be both good looking and intelligent?
A. Since that would make him a woman.

Q. Why is a man’s brain the size of a peanut?
A. Because it is swollen.

Q. Why are batteries better than men?
A. Batteries have at least one positive end.

Q. Why does it take one million sperm to fertilize one egg?
A. Because sperm are male and they refuse to ask directions.

Q. Why are men like the letter Q?
A. Because it is a big fat zero with a small protrusion.

Q. Why do fewer women get married these days?
A. Because they would rather have bacon in the fridge, than a pig in the living room.

Q. What is the similarity between a video recorder and a man?
A. They go forwards, backwards, forwards, and backwards, stop and eject!

Q. Why is the male intelligence worth more than the female?
A. It is rarer.

Q. Why do men prefer to marry virgins?
A. They cannot handle the criticism.

Q. What do you call an attractive, intelligent and sensitive man.
A. A rumor.

Q. Why don’t men go through menopause?
A. They never left puberty.


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1 Response to "Jokes Making Fun of Men"

1 | Jokes Making Fun of Men Da 39 Blakk Frogg Joke Blogg | Menopause Relief

June 8th, 2009 at 7:11 pm


[…] Jokes Making Fun of Men Da 39 Blakk Frogg Joke Blogg Posted by root 15 minutes ago ( Q what do you call an attractive intelligent and sensitive man a a rumor q why don 39 t men go through menopause a they never left puberty leave a reply you must log in to post a comment da 39 blakk frogg joke blogg is powered by wordpress 2 6 2 and dago Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Jokes Making Fun of Men Da 39 Blakk Frogg Joke Blogg […]

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