Blakk Frogg Joke Blog

Cheap Date Suggestion

Posted by: admin In: Blakk Frogg Speaks|Funny Jokes|Sarcastic

For all of you that find yourselves broke as hell with the desire to get your groove on, Blakk Frogg came up with the perfect Cheap Date package. Simply find a willing partner and break out the following….

(2) Tall Boys of Malt Liquor Beverage to start the party

(3) Lubricated & Ribbed Condoms to keep the party safe

(4) ‘Loosie’ Menthol Cigarettes for breaks in the action

(1) Key to an Hourly Rates Motel room for privacy

Americas Best MySpace Comments

How will you know when you’ve found the perfect partner for the night’s events? Easy! Look around the room for anyone wearing a shirt like this:

Americas Best MySpace Comments

For those who want a shirt like that so that everyone knows your intents for the evening…. all you have to do is…. click this damn link!

-blakk frogg

P.S. ——> If you STILL can’t get a fun-filled cheap date even with this very helpful and informative advice, it’s probably because your breath smells like stale, moldy, shredded onions dipped in curdled milk. 😛

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